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Important information about the Be Nice Ben Campaign
Pacific Resource Partners, a union organization, launched a "Be Nice Ben" campaign alleging the Ben Cayetano was rude and disrespectful to Dan Inouye during the Chamber of Commerce debate on May 2. Pacific Resource Partners  is attempting to smear Ben Cayetano with accusations that are simply not true.

In fact Ben Cayetano was neither rude nor disrespectful.  He simply made the following  statement during the debate:

"Senator Inouye is up at the 30,000-foot level dealing with national and international affairs.  The Senator should take time to go down to McDonald's and talk to the retirees who go there to eat breakfast because it's cheap.  He's out of touch, as far as I'm concerned.  I RESPECT Senator Inouye -- he's done a lot a lot for our country and for our state -- but we shouldn't defer to him."

In a StarAdvertiser poll conducted on May 5  regarding this statement the results were as follows:
Please spread the FACTS about this slander campaign and get the discussion back on the important fiscal issues that face the City & County of Honolulu.